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From the Notebook
Chip Roy
Former President Donald Trump may have said Thursday that the 25th Amendment shouldn’t be invoked against President Joe Biden, but that wasn’t enough to deter at least one House Republican who has been calling for the president to resign.

NOTUS caught up with Rep. Chip Roy, who authored a resolution earlier this month to call on Harris to invoke the 25th.

“Of course, it should be invoked. The dude’s not there, and he’s still commander in chief,” Roy said, breaking with Trump and echoing an attack line many on the right have lobbed at Biden since his campaign-ending debate performance last month.

To be clear, Harris, not Congress, holds the power to invoke the 25th Amendment, which Roy acknowledged. But neither that nor the GOP presidential nominee’s position has changed his mind on the matter.

“The vice president’s not gonna do it, and if they did, he’d resign and she’d become president. This is all Kabuki theater. We have a job to do, and we don’t run campaigns off the House floor,” Roy said.

Katherine Swartz is a NOTUS reporter and an Allbritton Journalism Institute fellow.
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