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Senior Mike Johnson Staffer Resigns Over Behavioral Complaints

“I’m just picking up the pieces and moving on,” the staffer told NOTUS.

Mike Johnson
House Speaker Mike Johnson talks with reporters in the Capitol. J. Scott Applewhite/AP

A senior communications staffer in Speaker Mike Johnson’s office abruptly resigned this week after he was presented with complaints about his behavior, sources confirmed to NOTUS.

Anang Mittal, who was Johnson’s head of digital, resigned from his position when superiors in the office confronted him about the complaints on Thursday. A source familiar with the situation said the complaints centered around Mittal’s workplace performance and unprofessional outbursts. Johnson’s office would not comment on the complaints.

“We do not comment on personnel matters,” a spokesperson for the office said.

Mittal confirmed he resigned this week and told NOTUS he held no ill will toward the office.

“I’m just picking up the pieces and moving on,” he said Friday afternoon. “Don’t really have a lot to offer or any criticism. It was a pleasure and honor working there.”

Johnson’s office told NOTUS that a new digital director will start next week.

Ryan Hernández is a NOTUS reporter and an Allbritton Journalism Institute fellow.